Termessos ancient city Antalya

Termessos ancient city Antalya Древний город Термессос Анталия

Termessos ancient city Antalya are located in the mountains 37 km from Antalya old City. Streets, buildings and fences are integrated with the surrounding mountains and valley. The buildings were made of stone or similar. Access to the ruins of the ancient city of Termessos first by serpentine road, then on foot.

Set on the hillside of Solymos Mountain at an altitude of over 1000 meters, the ancient city of Termessos is spectacular. With amazing views over the surrounding area and the far-off Taurus Mountains, exploring the well-preserved old buildings and remains of Termessos is a magical experience. The colonnaded street and agora are just two of its many highlights. The creators of such a city possessed a high architectural, artistic, technological and economic level and were able to deliver a large amount of building material to a hard-to-reach place. The ruins of the ancient ancient city of Termessos are well preserved and were not pilfered for building materials because they are located in a place difficult for transportation.

It is advisable to arrive before lunchtime. The entrance closes at 16:00. Check out closes at 17:00. Adequate footwear and a supply of water are desirable. Ticket price is 10 TRY by cash per person.

Termessos ancient city Antalya photos

Termessos ancient city Antalya map

Termessos ancient city Antalya Navigation coordinates


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